Hi, how can we help?

These are the most commonly asked questions about DeepPCB. Can't find what you're looking for? Let's chat!

How do I use DeepPCB ?

DeepPCB is a plug-and-play PCB design tool. You can export files from your favorite EDA tool and upload them to DeepPCB for placement and/or routing.

How much does it cost?

You only pay for what you use. Plus, you get 12 hours of compute (for boards of up to 150 airwires) for free – every day. For our standard offering, you pay based on your usage only.

What type of boards can I design?

The standard version of DeepPCB helps you design layouts of up to 8 layers and 1,200 connections.

How long does it take to design a board?

Usually a couple of hours, and for advanced boards less than 24 hours. You can stop and resume runs at any time while having access to the best solutions obtained.

How do I prepare a board file

You can export your project in the EDA tool you’re already using.

How do I review boards?

You can scroll through revisions of your design in the DeepPCB web app.

How do I download solutions?

There’s a button that lets you download the revision you’re viewing in the format you want.

How much of DeepPCB is AI?

DeepPCB is an end-to-end, fully autonomous AI tool. Literally no human in the loop.

Which tools do you support?

We support major PCB EDA tools: OrCAD, Allegro, PADS, Zuken CR-3000/CR-5000, Altium, EAGLE, KiCAD, EasyEDA, etc.

Which constraints do you support?

Our designs are DRC-clean and support multi-planes, variable wire widths and clearances, signal integrity, and differential pairs.

How do I report a bug?

You can contact us anytime at support@deeppcb.ai.

Is my data secure?

Yes, and we are SOC2 compliant.

What's the difference between DeepPCB and other autorouters?

Typical autorouters rely on heuristics that are fast but sub-optimal or on solvers that do not scale, while starting from scratch with each new instance. DeepPCB uses learning to leverage past experience, giving high-quality solutions fast thanks to AI inference.

What’s InstaDeep’s role in DeepPCB?

InstaDeep, the AI company behind DeepPCB, has extensive experience in designing, implementing, deploying, and scaling AI-based systems and products.

How can I collaborate with DeepPCB?

In the Enterprise plan, you can work with the DeepPCB support team to have the constraints you care about added to DeepPCB, for you only. Plus, we’re always open to people giving us feedback and suggestions about how we can keep making it a better tool.