Pure AI-Powered
cloud-native PCB design

Let AI do the job

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deepPCB platform dashboard that shows a wifi PCB broad with different routes. DeepPCB offers you to apply different layers to the board. In the right side, there is the results of the experiment showing statistics about the execution time, total connected pairs, total circuit lenght and so.

01 How it works

your board

Our fully automated cloud platform gets to work as soon as it receives your board, No time wasted.

machine learning

Harness the power of distributed machine learning for advanced Routing and Placement. Our algorithms analyze and optimize your PCB layouts for superior performance.

your solved board

Get your finalized PCB design ready for manufacturing in record time. Simply download the completed board and proceed with confidence.

02 About

We support major




Arrange the components in a way that optimizes performance, efficiency, and manufacturability.

Features Support

Signal or/and power layers

Blind & buried & at-SMD vias

DeepPCB supported files

Supported File Types

Native support for Zuken, and KiCad

DeepPCB logo white
DeepPCB pricing

Flexible Pricing

DeepPCB uses a credit system that allows to allocate only what you need for your boards

All our solved boards are Design Rules Checked

DRC clean

Support for

DeepPCB supports
DeepPCB Routing


Create connections between the components while ensuring efficient signal flow.

03 Pricing

Start with 1 Free Board each day* Up to 150 airwires and 12 hours of processing

1 Hour


4 Hours

$3.49 save 12%

12 Hours

$9.99 save 16%

24 Hours

$18.99 save 20%

04 Your questions

Is DeepPCB™ fully-automated?

Yes. Automation was possible thanks to Reinforcement Learning (RL), a subfield of Machine Learning (ML). RL is particularly suited for decision-making problems: board games such as Chess or Go, logistics, mobility, or PCB routing. At InstaDeep, we deploy RL systems in the real world and work closely with hardware partners such as Nvidia and Intel. After a rigorous technical evaluation, Nvidia upgraded us to preferred partner, the highest status possible. On top of that, we are part of Intel’s AI Builder Program. Users can access the intermediary routing solutions. The user sees how the AI system progressively increases the quality of its routing as it finds out how to solve the user’s board.

This is an unsolved NP-hard problem. How much of DeepPCB™ is actually AI? Does InstaDeep have a track record in this domain?

InstaDeep has built credibility in AI circles by innovating in Machine Learning (ML) and Reinforcement Learning (RL), specifically on how to find good solutions to NP-Hard problems. InstaDeep has a track record of publishing cutting-edge AI research in that specific domain at top AI conferences such as NeurIPS, ICML, and ICLR (See our papers). InstaDeep also has expertise in productizing ML and RL research. DeepPCB™ is an example but one can also mention DeepPack™ or read this blog post about InstaDeep and Deutsche Bahn collaboration in a new tab”>InstaDeep’s long-term collaboration with Deutsche Bahn, which is on its way to revolutionizing the railway industry in Germany, using Deep Reinforcement Learning.

What are you doing with my data? Can my competitors access it or benefit from it?

InstaDeep will never share or sell any of your data or intelligence to any outside entity. Our sole goal is to accelerate your PCB product development cycle.

Why would DeepPCB™ be useful if the autorouters that have been around for ages only have limited utility?

This is exactly the problem that DeepPCB™ is addressing. Current auto-routers often do not get the job done because the problem that has all real-life constraints is too difficult for the usual heuristics that current software tools rely on. As the routing problem carries heavy constraints, optimization solvers cannot find solutions in reasonable time. Finally, DeepPCB™ leverages past experience through learning, as opposed to heuristics or solvers who need to start from scratch for each new instance that has to be solved.

05 Get in touch

If you need any help to get started with DeepPCB, please reach out at support@deeppcb.ai

For any other requests, contact hello@deeppcb.ai